If you are considering the purchase of a computer, look no further than the Apple!  It is by far the best machine available - any model will be better than a Windows-based machine. What you don't get with Apple is perhaps better than what you do get. You won't get a host of Microsoft-hating hackers looking for ways to cripple your machine. You will have little to worry about when it comes to worms, Trojan horses, viruses, and a plethora of other nuisances and annoyances. It will cost you a bit more than a Windows machine, but the benefits are ongoing! You will actually be able to sit down and use your computer for something productive and worthwhile. Amazing!

On the other hand, if you like to tinker and experiment, you're better off with a Windows-based machine. The reason for that is because instead of actually using the machine, you can spend your time downloading the daily Microsoft security fixes, running virus scans, removing Ad ware, fixing malware, checking for broken links, defragging your hard disk, deleting cookies, and fixing the zillions of things that go wrong every day around the globe with anything based on Microsoft. After a while, you will become so used to fixing the machine you will have forgotten that you may actually be able to use your machine for something useful. Once you become really good at doing all these things, Microsoft will release a new Operating System (OS) and you can pretty well forget everything you learned and start again.

That said, Windows XP Professional is the best OS Microsoft has ever released; it's getting better all the time, and it is wonderfully customizable and flexible. Most of the things I know about computers I learned by fixing something I broke - but it's great fun! And if you are careful, it's not half as bad as I just made out!

One thing you can count on: it's not a passing fad - computers are here to stay. Get to know one - there is a good likelihood it will soon put you out of work! Whether you like Apple, Windows, - or Linux - they are wonderful tools God has provided.

Thinking of buying a PC? Visit my buying a PC page!

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